Fussball ohne Grenzen

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Become a member

You would like to become a member? Please klick on the link and complete the form: 



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How can I be an active member of FC Internationale?


Who wants to active participate, must in the first place get in contact with the coaches of your corresponding team to evaluate the capacity of it to incorporate the player. The access to the pitch and facilities is only allowed after the approval of the coach or the directive board. You can look up for more information down this page.


How can I be a passive member of FC Internationale? 


Passive members and sponsors can be direct members registering yourself through the following formular. 


How can I cancel my membership?


The cancellation must be sent in writing by mail or email to the address , the resignation will be active after the write confirmation.



For players: 


Registration “new income”


The players who haven’t played previously in a football club, must give the following documents:


  • Registration form FC Internationale, including the confirmation of the coach.

  • Data protection form.

  • Consent form.

  • Passport/personal ID copy.

  • Pass photo.


Registration “change of club”


The players that have played previously in a club must give the following documents:


  • Registration form FC Internationale, including the confirmation of the coach.

  • Data protection form.

  • Consent form.

  • Passport/personal ID copy.

  • Pass photo.

  • Annulment of the membership of your previous club (look up information of transfer windows)

  • Youngster concept of DFB 2020.



Information about transfer windows


The players that want to be part of FC Internationale, to avoid the banning of transfer, must respect the time deadlines. The annulment must be before 30.06 or to 31.12 of the actual year by the club owner of the license.

The documents previously indicated must be delivered until the 30.08 to be registered in the first round or until the 31.01 for the second round in the club offices.


The transfers and bannings of transfers, between other things is on rule with the regulations of registration and Youngsters of the BFV.

  • Registration regulations BFV and regulations of change of club (adults).

  • Youth regulations BFV and regulations of change of club (youngsters)



Registration “International club transfers”


Work in progress…


Banning of transfers because of unpaid fees or lack of return of sport implements.


Work in progress…


Banning of transfers because of unpaid compensation for training


Work in progress…


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