Fussball ohne Grenzen

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FC Internationale was founded on the year 1980 for 20 committed footballers, in Schöneberg (look introduction next). The goal was to play in a good level with committed footballers, without the players getting paid for it, like was the normal practice. The idea stays until today, no player of FC Internationale receives money, despite been a normalized practice in Berlin, where even in lower leagues they pay money for appearances and bonuses.


The FC Internationale has in the meantime, the highest number of teams in the zone of Tempelhof-Schöneberg covering all the range of football. Has teams of girls, boys, women, men, and seniors ups to 70 years old. The Club always has been committed social and politically with the community. In the years of foundation made campaign against the employment’s cuts and for the peace, since the 90s, the fight against discrimination has been in the first line. Since 2006 the Club has been a base for integration in Sport in Berlin and participates in a wide range of activities. From school corporations and refugees projects to preventive events. The kits have no marketing and instead have the logo NO RACISM on it. With the one we make emphasis in the commitment with the pacific coexistence beyond the cultural, religious, and ideological frontiers. 

The Club includes people with roots of more than 70 countries. Since the year 2021 has become the first amateur club with sustainability certification. During the pandemic of the COVID-19 several generations founded the workgroup of sustainability. The FC Internationale has fixed within the statutes the importance of sustainability and proposed as an objective to consolidate the theme inside the German Football. The commitment with sustainability and inclusion has been in diverse occasions awarded, like with the “Großen Stern des Sports in Gold“, the biggest prize in the Amateur sport in Germany. Likewise, was the first Club on winning the prize of sustainability in sport, before FC St. Pauli and VfL Wolfburg of the Bundesliga.


The sports goal is to have teams in all the best leagues in Berlin. A lot of teams had achieved already this goal. The promotions and relegations are a side of the sport. You enjoy the successes, but overall, it´s put before the fair play. Our members strongly believe that sports success and fair play can live together. Modern football needs players of strong character, but that they act in a fair and real way. Exactly that they try to work the trainers – in the way of the active players, in the way of football.

Facts and numbers


The 22.03.1980 like Football Club with base in Berlin-Schöneberg. Accepted as member of the Berlin Football Association (Berliner Fußball-Verband BFV)



1.321 members of which 51% are kids and young people, 210 girls and women. More than 70 nationalities.



More than 50 teams of all ages from 5 years old to 75 years old, feminine, and masculine, kids, young people, adults and Seniors, what make us Top 5 in the Capital.



10 teams in the highest leagues of berlin (women, men, youngsters, and Seniors)



More than 70 coaches and kitmen, of which 20 have a DFB license.


Time invested

more than 2000 games, tournaments and near 3000 hours of training a year.



Workshops for people with disabilities, Alliance against the Antisemitism, Network of Berlin Football and Community, schools of Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Network Südkreuz, Intregation through Sport, Center for the sustainable corporate management, Letter for the future Grüner Hirsch/Agency of economic development of Tempelhof-Schöneberg


Motto “NO RACISM” on the kits of the players.

All the coaches must present an extended Criminal record certificate and sign a Code of Conduct. The FC Internationale is a Club purely Amateur. The social funds of Inter support kids and youngsters of families with economic problems.


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